Vendor Storage Configuration
Configure storage buckets in the storage
field of your cluster configuration.
This example shows how to define a storage bucket using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3):
"storage": {
"name": "example_amzs3",
"description": "An Amazon S3 bucket.",
"org": "<example org>",
"settings": {
"bucket_name": "<example name>",
"bucket_path": "/",
"region": "<example region>",
"cloud": "aws",
"endpoint": "<endpoint URL>"
Use aws
as the value of the cloud field to indicate that the storage bucket is hosted on S3
AWS supported regions
Hydrolix storage bucket configuration supports these AWS region labels:
North America
- us-east-1
- us-east-2
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
- ca-central-1
South America
- sa-east-1
- eu-central-1
- eu-west-1
- eu-west-2
- eu-west-3
- eu-north-1
Asia Pacific
- ap-east-1
- ap-south-1
- ap-northeast-1
- ap-northeast-2
- ap-northeast-3
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
Middle East
- me-south-1
- af-south-1
This example shows how to define a storage bucket using Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
"storage": {
"name": "example_gcs",
"description": "A Google Cloud Storage bucket.",
"org": "<example org>",
"settings": {
"bucket_name": "<example name>",
"bucket_path": "/",
"region": "<example region>",
"cloud": "gcp",
"endpoint": "<endpoint URL>"
Use gcp
as the value of the cloud field to indicate that the storage bucket is hosted on GCS.
GCS supported regions
Hydrolix storage bucket configuration supports these Google Cloud Storage region labels:
North America
- northamerica-northeast1
- us-central1
- us-east1
- us-east4
- us-west1
- us-west2
- us-west3
- us-west4
South America
- southamerica-east1
- europe-central2
- europe-north1
- europe-west1
- europe-west2
- europe-west3
- europe-west4
- europe-west6
Asia Pacific
- asia-east1
- asia-east2
- asia-northeast1
- asia-northeast2
- asia-northeast3
- asia-south1
- asia-southeast1
- asia-southeast2
- australia-southeast1
This example shows how to define a storage bucket using Linode Cloud Storage.
"storage" : {
"name": "example_linode",
"description": "A Linode Cloud Storage bucket.",
"org": "<example org>",
"settings": {
"bucket_name": "<example name>",
"bucket_path": "/",
"region": "<example region>",
"cloud": "linode",
"endpoint": "<endpoint URL>"
Use linode
as the value of the cloud field to indicate that the storage bucket is hosted on Linode.
Linode supported regions
Hydrolix storage bucket configuration supports these Linode region labels:
North America
- ca-central
- us-central
- us-west
- us-southeast
- us-east
Asia Pacific
- ap-west
- ap-southeast
- ap-south
- ap-northeast
- eu-west
- eu-central
This example shows how to define a storage bucket using Azure Storage.
"storage" : {
"name": "example_azure",
"description": "An Azure Storage bucket.",
"org": "<example org>",
"settings": {
"bucket_name": "<example name>",
"bucket_path": "/",
"region": "<example region>",
"cloud": "azure",
"endpoint": "<endpoint URL>"
Use azure
as the value of the cloud field to indicate that the storage bucket is hosted on Azure.
Azure supported regions
Hydrolix storage bucket configuration supports these Azure region labels.
North America
- eastus
- eastus2
- southcentralus
- westus
- westus2
- centralus
- northcentralus
- canadacentral
- canadaeast
South America
- brazilsouth
- northeurope
- westeurope
- uksouth
- ukwest
- francecentral
- francesouth
- switzerlandnorth
- switzerlandwest
- germanywestcentral
- germanynorth
- norwaywest
- norwayeast
Asia Pacific
- eastasia
- southeastasia
- japaneast
- japanwest
- koreacentral
- koreasouth
- centralindia
- southindia
- westindia
- australiaeast
- australiasoutheast
Middle East
- uaenorth
- uaecentral
- southafricanorth
- southafricawest
Updated 24 days ago