Age Metrics

The Hydrolix stack includes Prometheus, an open-source metrics database. While the Stack runs, Hydrolix continuously updates its Prometheus instance with metrics information. You can query, view, and actively monitor this information through the use of a stack's Grafana instance or you can access it via your own monitoring platform.

Using Prometheus directly

Prometheus has its own web-based UI, available by visiting in your web browser.

This view is far more basic than Grafana's, suitable for quickly entering queries and seeing simple, graphed results. Hydrolix does make this feature available immediately, without any additional setup.


query_countCounterDecay/Reaper calls to the Catalog.
query_failureCounterDecay/Reaper failed Catalog calls.
query_latency_summaryCounterLatency in calls to catalog.
query_latency_summary_count/sumCounterLatency in calls to catalog.