Endpoint Errors

Issue: Client Connection Timeout


Check Traefik service count is < 1.

kubectl get deployment/traefik -o wide


Scale Traefik via hydrolixcluster.yaml.

   replicas: <Scale>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.


Check that the IP allowlist contains the requesting IP address.

Download the cluster configuration:

kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml


  1. Add the IP to the allowlist:
kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml > hydrolixcluster.yaml
  1. Add the IPs.
  2. Apply the changes to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f hydrolixcluster.yaml


You can find more information on IP allowlists in the documentation.

Issue: Client Authorization Error


Check if Query endpoint authentication is enabled.

Download your cluster configuration:

kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml

In the configuration, look for enable_query_auth:

  enable_query_auth: true


If enabled, ensure the user is using the correct username and password or bearer token. For more information, see the query authentication documentation .

If query authentication is not enabled, enable it.


Check if TLS is enabled.

Download your cluster configuration:

kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml

In the configuration, look for use_tls:

    use_tls: true


If TLS is enabled, check the client is connecting using a secure TLS connection.

If TLS is not enabled, enable it.

If using native protocol connection, secure uses port 9440 and non-secure uses port 9000.

Issue: HTTP 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


Check query-head count is at a minimum of 1.

kubectl get deployment/query-head -o wide


Scale query-head via hydrolixcluster.yaml:

   replicas: <scale number>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.


Check query-peer count is at a minimum of 1.

kubectl get deployment/query-peer-o wide


Scale query-peer via hydrolixcluster.yaml:

   replicas: <Scale>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.


If using Pools, check that the pool has query-peers.

Issue: Database Exceptions


  • DB::Exception: HdxStorageError: No peers available to run query in pool
  • DB::Exception: Database '_local' doesn't exist
  • DB::NetException: Net Exception: No route to host


Check query-peer instance count is a minimum of 1:

kubectl get deployment/query-peer -o wide


Scale query-peer via hydrolixcluster.yaml:

   replicas: <Scale>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.


Check that the Zookeeper Instance count is 3:

kubectl get deployment/zookeeper -o wide


Scale zookeeper via hydrolixcluster.yaml:

   replicas: <Scale>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.

Issue: Database Timeout


  • DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out


Check Zookeeper Instance count is 3:

kubectl get deployment/zookeeper -o wide


Scale zookeeper via hydrolixcluster.yaml:

   replicas: <Scale>

For more information, see the documentation on scale profiles.

Issue: Database Lost Connection


  • DB::NetException: Error: Lost connection to the database server. (version 3.x.x)>. (STD_EXCEPTION)


This should be highly transient and should only occasionally happen when a Query Head isn’t used for very long periods of time (days or weeks).


Retry the query.

If this doesn’t resolve, check that the PostgreSQL instance is suitably scaled. Increase CPU or Memory if required.

  1. Download the cluster configuration:
kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml > hydrolixcluster.yaml
  1. Update the scale.
  2. Apply the configuration to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f hydrolixcluster.yaml


Check that PostgreSQL is running and in a healthy state.

kubectl describe statefulset postgres


Update the scale of PostgreSQL (Memory, CPU, Disk).

  1. Download the cluster configuration:
kubectl get hydrolixcluster -o yaml > hydrolixcluster.yaml
  1. Update the scale.
  2. Apply the configuration to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f hydrolixcluster.yaml

If PostgreSQL is failing, even if resolved this is a Severity 1 incident and Hydrolix should be notified ASAP regardless of resolution.

Syntax and User Query Errors


Unknown Table/Project.

DB::Exception: Table _local.XXXX does not exist


The project must be specified as well as the table, e.g.:

SELECT x FROM project.table WHERE ...


Unknown Table/Project. Table and/or project has a hyphen in the name, e.g. my-table.my-project

Expected one of: token, Dot, UUID, alias, AS, identifier, FINAL, SAMPLE, table, table function...


Add backticks (`) around the table and project names.

select x from `my-project`.`,my-table` where...

Other Errors

When a query error occurs with syntax or execution errors, the system can be overly communicative. Errors can be large and contain a lot of information. A good place to start when debugging is the first couple of lines: they often contain the reason for the error. For example, the following shows an unknown table and database has been requested:

query-peer :) select thisdoesntexist from some.table

SELECT thisdoesntexist
FROM some.table

Query id: f8f0d160-cc58-4466-9c4a-011b5067a152

[query-head-7b65c8b674-dsnlv] 2022.08.31 17:00:10.197969 [ 10 ] {f8f0d160-cc58-4466-9c4a-011b5067a152} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 81. DB::Exception: Database some doesn't exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE) (version (from (in query: select thisdoesntexist from some.table), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. StackTrace::StackTrace() @ 0xac3418c in /usr/bin/turbine_server
1. DB::Exception::Exception(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, int, bool) @ 0xabe9fad in /usr/bin/turbine_server
2. DB::DatabaseCatalog::assertDatabaseExistsUnlocked(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) const @ 0x1129bbd7 in /usr/bin/turbine_server
3. DB::DatabaseCatalog::getDatabase(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) const @ 0x1129d9a8 in /usr/bin/turbine_server
4. DB::Context::resolveStorageID(DB::StorageID, DB::Context::StorageNamespace) const @ 0x111e5e8c in /usr/bin/turbine_server
5. DB::JoinedTables::getLeftTableStorage() @ 0x11711c1e in /usr/bin/turbine_server

Query Circuit Breaker Errors

Hydrolix can apply Circuit Breakers to a Query that help protect the infrastructure from abuse. More information on these can be found here - https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers.

ErrorCircuit Breaker Information
DB::Exception: HdxStorageError Maximum number of rows exceeded for query: XXX rows (maximum is YYY)https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_rows
DB::Exception: Limit for result exceeded, max bytes: XXX B, current bytes: YYYhttps://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_result_bytes
DB::Exception: Limit for result exceeded, max rows: XX, current rows: YYY thousandhttps://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_result_rows
DB::Exception: h::db::HdxStorageError: <HdxStorageError Maximum time range exceeded for query: XXX seconds (maximum is YYY)https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_timerange_sec
DB::Exception: h::db::HdxStorageError: <HdxStorageError hdx_query_timerange_required is set to true. Your query needs a time range filter in a WHERE clausehttps://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_timerange_required
DB::Exception: h::db::HdxStorageError: <HdxStorageError Maximum number of partitions exceeded for query: XXX partitions (maximum is YYY)https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_partitions
DB::Exception: Timeout exceeded: elapsed XXX seconds, maximum: YYY.https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_execution_time
DB::Exception: Limit for number of columns to read exceeded. Requested: 2, maximum: 1.https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_columns_to_read
DB::Exception: Memory limit (for query) exceeded: would use 16.00 KiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 4096 bytes), maximum: 1.00 KiB. (MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)https://docs.hydrolix.io/docs/query-circuit-breakers#hdx_query_max_memory_usage