10 May 2023 - v3.40.5

You can download version 3.40.5 here.

Upgrade on GKE:

kubectl apply -f "https://www.hydrolix.io/operator/v3.40.5/operator-resources?namespace=${HDX_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}&gcp-storage-sa=${GCP_STORAGE_SA}"

Upgrade on EKS:

kubectl apply -f "https://www.hydrolix.io/operator/v3.40.5/operator-resources?namespace=${HDX_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}&aws-storage-role=${AWS_STORAGE_ROLE}"


  • Introduced Automatic TLS certificate generation.
  • Added Akamai SIEM data source.
  • Added validation for Kinesis summary table configurations.
  • Added ability to disable Traefik ports for HTTP, HTTPS, Clickhouse Native, and ClickHouse HTTP queries.
  • Added ability to configure advanced options for Kafka data sources in the UI, including read timeouts, maximum wait time, and offsets.
  • Added ability to configure dictionary refresh times in the UI.
  • Added ability to configure advanced options for Kinesis data sources in the UI, including AWS keys, secrets, and ARN roles.
  • Added elapsed time to event data processing logs.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Zookeeper crashes on Linode deployments.
  • Fixed Redpanda crashes during maintenance windows.
  • Fixed a race condition where, immediately after startup, the indexer accepted HTTP requests but couldn't yet serve them.
  • Fixed an issue where user emails containing uppercase characters couldn't be re-invited to create an account.