
17 May 2021 - v2.10.12

Download: hdxctl-v2.10.12

Release Location

wget -O hdxctl && chmod +x hdxctl


  • Support bundle - provide a simple mechanism to provide Hydrolix support a "bundle" to help diagnose issues.
  • Add Kafka lag metric to Prometheus.
  • OS metrics added to Prometheus - node exporter. Added to Grafana template dashboards to follow.
  • Add support for provisioning grafana datasources
  • Add new shard_key to allow for separate partitions strategy other than just time.
  • Add initial underlying capabilities for Spot Fleet usage.
  • Move bastion to Auto Scaling Group so can be zero'd.

Bug fixes

  • Added HSTS header to force HTTPS usage.
  • Config api - fix duplicate doc ids, allow blank descriptions for projects and tables
  • update the generateschema endpoint to return correct values and the new datatype fields
  • HDXCTL Bug fixes.
  • Merge bug fixes
  • Stream bug fixes.
  • Catchall for unrecognised input fields to honour transform type but keeps JSON intact.
  • Update to default instance types.
  • Catalog performance optimisations
  • Update Reaper/Merge Head timeouts within Lambda.
  • Fix two Small memory leaks on Indexer partition creation


  • Upgrade RDS instance to latest version.