
10 February 2021 - v2.2.7

Download: hdxctl-v2.2.7

Release Location

wget -O hdxctl && chmod +x hdxctl


  • Added transform support for scripted columns
  • Added transform support for default datetime values
  • Transform now allows duplicate positions for scripted columns (CSV)
  • Improved Kafka performance for quicker reads from the stream
  • Improved Batch Ingest resilience

Bug fixes

  • Date verification logic updated to strip quotes
  • JSON transform no longer requires position
  • Fixed conversion of parquet INT96 timestamps to epoch
  • Added delay between partitions merged and reaped
  • Added check to prevent auto-view from generating multiple primary datatimes
  • Auto-view now set as default
  • Added auto-ingest concurrency limit (5)
  • Increased auto-ingest SQS retry and timeout values