
1 May 2021 - v2.9.3

Download: hdxctl-v2.9.3

Release Location

wget -O hdxctl && chmod +x hdxctl


  • Add support to change bastion disk size
  • Add Catch-all field for non specified columns in the transform
  • Add Broadcast address for cluster configuration.
  • Add support for retrieving gateway IP from HDXCTL
  • Add new observability metrics for Stream, Kafka and Merge

Bug fixes

  • Various improvements to backend and web UI
  • Fix back tick issue when downloading CSV.
  • Increase open file limits for http (stream) intake services.
  • Fix for base64 types
  • Split large atomix writes for better Kenisis support.
  • Performance improvements to HDXCTL
  • Remove need to pass parent UUID's in request body when using API.